Akoustic Arts Directional Speaker B

Directional Speaker B

Our patented focused sound technology is integrated into systems used by leading retail, event and museum organisations.

Made in France
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Define your own sound zone with localized audio broadcasting

Directional sound in retailDirectional speakers in kiosk and museums

Directional sound in a few words

Directional sound technology allows audio content to be targeted to a specific area of open space.
Sound is sent in a straight line, just like a beam of light. This means that only people directly in its path will hear the sound. This opens up a world of creative experiences for visitors to your store, museum or event, like localised ambient sound, interactive experiences, location-specific guidance and information, capturing attention towards specific locations or displays.
The science might sound impossible, but this technology abides by the fundamental laws of physics.
Harnessing those laws had us working day-in, day-out on research & development; five patents later (and lots more R&D), here we are.
The Directional Speaker B, a premium speaker for multi-sensory environments.

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A versatile speaker that fits perfectly in different contexts

Unmute multiple screens without overlapping noise. Play commentary for an art piece. Deliver custom messages to a particular listener. Unique technology, plenty of use cases.

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Akoustic Arts SAS team
With a team of PhDs and engineers from top institutions (Langevin Institute, LAUM, Telecom Paris), we’re a close-knit team that’s passionate about innovation.
At Akoustic Arts, we work closely with customers to make sure the sound experience in their spaces is truly immersive. We continually invest in R&D so we can bring creative products and upgrades for a rapidly changing industry.
Our strive for excellence led to 5 patents on hardware, software and integration. Because of this, Renault Group chose us for its innovation program in which we integrated directional sound in automotive contexts.
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